Thursday, May 23, 2013

Freewrite 1

The other day, I was staring at this fat kid as he begged his mother for some ice cream. He yanked and pulled on her purse until the leather strap snapped in two under the pressure of his weight. BOOM! He stood there staring at the fallen purse on the ground. He didn't know what to do. Poor fat kid. The mother knew what to do, though. She snatched that purse off the ground and smacked her fat son across the face with it and then again. Smack. Smack. Maybe I should have been shocked at the sudden maternal violence on public display. I wasn't though. In fact, all I did in response to the fat kid's face beating was ask the woman a question as her son loudly blubbered on through a fit of tears.

"Ma'am," I asked, "do you think mutes burp?"

I guess I really wanted to know.